But thankfully I found this fun little "game" at Macy's.com. It's called the Macy's Fashion Director Daily Fashion Challenge Contest (how's that for a mouthful?). It lets you pick your outfits right down to the fragrance you'd wear with it. How cool is that? It has curbed my urge to shop (for now), and that is fine with me, because saving money is high on the To-Do list these days. However, should you find it within yourself the goodness to help me win a little shopping spree, I won't stop you. In fact, by all means, PLEASE do! I'll even be so kind as to provide you with a direct link to my handpicked outfit so that you can vote for it.
I love this outfit - check it out!"
The daily challenge was to choose an outfit that I would wear on a blind date. And I totally would too! Now all I need is a date!! I titled it "Code Blue". Partly for the fabulous blue cascading cardigan, and partly for the fragrance Armani Code. But upon further reflection, I think the name suits a blind date. It could go one of two ways: either your heart stops because your date is a drop-dead hottie; OR, your date is so horrific that you'll need electric shock therapy to recover from the ordeal.
But you can be sure of one thing: if you vote for my outfit, and I win, I promise to buy you something. So what are you waiting for? Go Vote!!
Love Ya! Thanks!!! :)
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