Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I Am Orange, (and so is this felt sleeve)

I decided it was appropriate to make an Oregon State Beaver inspired coffee sleeve. You see, as just about all Oregonians know, this week marks the 113th Civil War game between Oregon State University (GO BEAVS!!!) and University of Oregon. Hmmm, is it hard to tell which side I am on?

This is THE game of ALL games for these two teams this season. It's the Civil War for the Roses, baby! The winner of this game will go to the Rose Bowl. It has never before in the history of these civil war games that "both teams have entered the game with the "winner take all" scenario", as detailed by OSU Beaver Athletics.

So with much enthusiasm, spunk, and team spirit, I made a stunning orange and black coffee sleeve. With hand cut letters of felt on two layers of (wait for it...) more felt that spell "GO BEAVS", any OSU fan would be proud to hold this cup of coffee!

I know I am!!!!


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Eco-Friendly Coffee Sleeve

Not long ago, I received a big bag of felt from my Grandpa's belongings. To say he was an avid quilter would be putting it lightly, but that's another story. He had an enormous amount of fabric that he had collected over the years. I aquired only a small amount of what he had and still my closet is overflowing. So every now and then I would take out this bag of felt, look over the contents and ponder what sort of things to create with it. Then I would get distracted with some other project and pack it all back in again. Needless to say it has been sitting in my closet for months and finally I decided on what to make with it: A Reusable Coffee Sleeve.

You see, I work in a coffee shop (ahem, starbucks), and on a daily basis we probably go through hundreds of the cardboard coffee sleeves. While those are recyclable and made from recycled material, when you add up all the other stores around the world, that's probably more like millions (maybe even billions) of those cardboard sleeves eventually getting tossed into the trash. That's a lot of waste! So why not have your own reusable coffee sleeve that keeps those things out of the landfills and also adds a personal touch to your daily brew?

They are simple and easy to make. In fact, I used the cardboard sleeve as a template for the basic pattern. It ensures a snug fit that will accomodate almost all sizes of cups. Once you have that, you can embellish as you please. You can hand stitch it together, as I did the one pictured here, or you can machine stitch (examples to be posted soon).

Unless you have really thick felt, I recommend using two layers. That will give extra insulation from the heat of the coffee, and an added bonus is you can mix and match the colors to create a really cool design. You can embroider designs or add other layers of felt to make it your own. Even beads or buttons or other appliques would be cute. For this one I embroidered my coworkers' name onto a small piece of felt and then stitched it onto the outer layer. Then I used a blanket stitch to attach the two layers. If you plan to stitch on your personalized art, do so before attaching the two layers together. That way the stitches won't show through to the inside fabric. Have fun and happy sipping!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Vintage Inspired Apron made at a Vintage Price

What is it about the onset of Autumn that urges me to stitch and sew? Is is the vibrant fall colors? Or perhaps the crisp morning air and how the sunlight creates such a contrast against the gray far off clouds? Maybe the reality of it is in fact that I haven't done a darn creative thing all summer long! And now, I am itchin' to get stitchin'!!!

So about two months ago I made this apron. I found the white floral fabric at Goodwill (it was formerly an embroidered tablecloth). The blue fabric is what was leftover after I shortened a bridesmaids dress that I wore this summer (yeah, I am not tall, so I had a good 4-5 inches to work with. that's one of the bonus of being petite!). And the yellow is an inexpensive cotton purchased with a coupon at JoAnn's. The pattern I used was one I downloaded for free at www.bhg.com. All total this probably cost $3.50 in materials.

If you'd like to make one yourself you can find the pattern here:

If you're not into sewing or don't have the time, I can make one for you. Just email me. Or look for some to be for sale very shortly at my etsy shop.

Monday, April 6, 2009

From Drab to Fab! ...

We found this drab-looking old light fixture at the Rebuilding Center in North Portland (a great place to "treasure-hunt" for house parts) for only $10 bucks! Check out how it turned out after I gave it a little love...


After cleaning it up and adding a couple coats of paint I think it looks like a brand new light that you would find at Rejuvenation.


I think I put it back correctly, but I am not too sure. It took me several tries to finally get the parts to stay together.

I hope you like it Dad.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

I Think I Sense a Theme Here...

It's Spring!!! Finally, winter is over, if only the cold and the rain would go away...but while I've been dreaming of warmer days to come, I guess my paintings have followed that theme too. These are just a few of what I've been working on for the last three months. And coming up next month (I'm so excited!) I get to display them in public!!! Dare I say an Art Show? I will keep you updated with more info on a First Thursday event, so all my friends and family can join me to celebrate! Cheers for now! (Enjoy this mini show).

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Exciting New Addition to My Family

Well, sort of, a new "addition". While doing some after-Christmas shopping, I bought a mannequin! I am very excited about the possibilities and uses of her (sewing helper, photo shoot model, dog sitter, and HOV lane passenger, etc.) But now I think she needs a name and I'd like your help....Please see my poll and vote on your favorite (or if you have a better suggestion, just add a comment and I'll consider adding it to the list).

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